Ellie Burke ~ Weaver at SOA

As I wondered who could be the next Weaver at SOA the first soul that came to mind was Ellie Burke, she is such a joy and has a beautiful way of grounding those around her. From the moment I met Ellie I felt such a strong connection with her as an individual, with her mission, and her practice. I am so honored to have had her join me in the studio for these series.

Ellie brought some beautiful purple Irises from her garden, and I got inspired to share a sprout from my Pilea (I call it my giving plant). And thus a new tradition was born at SOA, from now on every Weaver will get one of these sprouts to replant, nurse, and eventually share! Doesn’t Ellie look a like a loving Midwife helping the little sprout be born?

During our meeting we discussed the importance of being intentional in the way we interact in the digital realm, for these are indeed tools that can help us forge meaningful connections. But at the end of the day nothing can or should replace in-person connections.

We pondered at the fact that while we appreciate, utilize, and to a certain degree relay on these digital tools; We also belong to a generation that grew up without them, and as such we understand their limitations. In a strange way it’s almost our responsibility to infuse our digitally saturated world with some basic wholesome values and practices.

Ellie has noticed that one of the most powerful tools in order to generate significant change, stem from changing our simplest practices. Start by changing the basic and little habits, and then build your way up. The effect can not only transforms us at the individual level, but it can also ripple and transform our communities… and dare we dream even change the world.